Enterprise Stories

Times enterprise stories selected by managing editor, Sally Maxwell. We've also included PDF files for an impressive 2006 special section on the potential impact of building a coal-fired generating plant in Sequoyah County.

  1. Proposed well worries opposing residents

    By Courtney Coble; January 18, 2010

  2. Vian disposal well dead

    By Sally Maxwell; June 21, 2010

  3. Blue Ribbon Downs to close

    By Sally Maxwell; October 23, 2009

  4. Cherokee Nation buys racetrack

    By Sally Maxwell; December 14, 2009

  5. The Track is back

    By Sally Maxwell; July 30, 2010

  6. Tenaska Power Plant

    By Monica Keen, et al; November 30, 2006


Enterprise reporting describes published news reports that are not based on press releases or news conferences. Enterprise reporting is all about stories a reporter or an editor dig up on his or her own, often what some people might call "scoops." Enterprise reporting may also focus on events, but it usually goes beyond merely covering these events when reporters explore the forces shaping the events.

Through enterprise reporting a news organization demonstrates its understanding of the key issues and interests of its community and it demonstrates the extent of the skill of its staff to report on these matters.