Valid Sources is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible.
About us
Valid Sources purpose is to recognize and foster excellence in journalism. You can read more about our history and mission in the About Us section of this website.
Valid Sources is committed to compiling and distributing a national Web-based newspaper report, “Who Needs Newspapers?” (WNN), and WE NEED YOUR HELP.
Journalists and journalism educators, acting as associate consulting editors, Directors and ACEs, guide the WNN report. The report features in-depth interviews and operating data on 50 newspapers, one in each state. See State Reports. Giving will help achieve these goals.
The WNN Report has five goals:
- National Web-based report: Create an informed, multimedia snapshot of the U.S. newspaper industry in this period of transition, discover what newspapers are doing to reposition themselves in the digital news and information era, document what is at stake for each newspaper’s community.
- Industry Insights: Provide the newspaper industry fresh data about how transformational change is being managed -- with an emphasis on new media and what works and what doesn't work;
- Media Literacy: Showcase the value of local newspapers as a foundational strand of democracy;
- Journalism Education: Create a variety of contemporary data for students studying journalism and preparing for journalism careers, enhance teaching materials for journalism educators, and support scholars analyzing newspapers;
- Newspaper Database Cooperative: Develop a cooperative network of state press associations and journalism programs to continue this annual report and create a longitudinal study of the status and transformation of the U.S. newspaper business.
Make a donation to support this unique database and the worthwhile industry insight it provides.
Valid Sources is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible.