Tim Lott
VP Audience Strategy
Tim Lott is vice president for audience strategy at the Austin American-Statesman, where he oversees the newspaper’s efforts to develop nontraditional revenue streams. In 2011, the newspaper launched both a paid sports site focusing on the Texas Longhorns and a streaming radio station. Prior to his current position, Lott was VP/digital. He has held numerous reporting and editing positions at the American-Statesman, where he began working in 1989. Prior to that, he worked for the Associated Press. Lott is a graduate of Baylor University.
[TX-E 0301] - Epiphany LIX: V.P. Audience Strategy: Tim Lott, The Austin American-Statesman, Austin, Texas (2:53)
Tim Lott got to see what newspapers do best when he came upon a bizarre, but unforgettable story in small Texas town. He called the impact of his story, “newspaper work at its best.”